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Δ Facebook (opens in new tab) Week of July 11, 2021 One of the most central questions in calling Pastor Next is his character qualifications. This Sunday we will examine the qualities the Bible considers key characteristics of a pastor/elder. No one is perfect. If you look for shortcomings you’ll find them. Not every pastor is a straight A speaker, leader, shepherd. The Search team will ask every candidate in the final round, a series of behavioral questions that reveal whether or not they live their life in sync with the first Timothy 3 qualifications. I will reveal some similar questions I have used in the past as we move through first Timothy this Sunday morning. Clearly pastors must have higher standards because although pastors are flawed they do lead by example. X X Watch X X Go to our giving website Note: You will be taken to another browser tab to give online. If on a phone/tablet, simply click the back button to go back to this notes page. X Download Note: You will be taken to another browser tab to view this. If on phone/tablet, simply click the back button to go back to this notes page. You will not lose any notes. Laurelwood Baptist Church Values & Pastor Next Archived – July 11, 2021 View This Week’s Note View All Past Notes View This Note w/o Blanks Main Scripture Reference(s) 1 Timothy 3 We believe that the Bible is God's Word that helps us face all the opportunities and challenges that come our way. Values & Pastor Next July 11, 2021 / Pastor Dennis Beatty / 1 Timothy 3 1 Timothy Titus Romans 12:9-21 3:2 Above reproach 1:6-7 Above reproach 12:14 Bless those who curse you 3:2 Husband of one wife 1:6 Husband of one wife 12:9 Love 3:2 Sober-minded 1:8 Disciplined 12:12 Be faithful in prayer 3:3 Not a drunkard 1:7 Not … drunkard 12:10 Honor others above yourself 3:2 Self-controlled 1:8 Self-controlled 12:12 Be patient in difficulty 12:17 Don’t seek revenge 3:2 Respectable 12:12 Be joyful in hope 3:2 Hospitable 1:8 Hospitable 12:11 Be enthusiastic 12:13 Practice hospitality 3:2 Able to teach 1:9 Able to give instruction 12:18 Do right thing 3:3 Not violent 1:7 Not … violent 12:19-21 Serve your enemy 3:3 Gentle 12:15 Rejoice and mourn 3:3 Not quarrelsome 1:7 Not arrogant quick-tempered 12:16 Don’t be proud 3:3 Not a love of money 1:7 Not … greedy for gain 12:13 Practice generosity 3:4-5 A good manager of his own household 1:6-7 A steward; his children are faithful, not insubordinate 12:16 Live in harmony with others 3:6 Not a recent convert 12:9 Abhor evil, overcome it by good 3:7 Well thought of by outsiders 12:16 Live in harmony with others 1:8 A lover of good 12:18 Do the right thing 1:8 Upright 12:10 Devote yourself to love others 1:8 Holy 12:9 Abhor what is evil overcome it by good Save PDF Locally Click to save a copy of the filled-in notes to a PDF file on your device Generate File Click to View PDF Save PDF to Google Drive Click to save a copy of the filled-in notes to a PDF file on your Google Drive account(For Apple devices, use Chrome browser or go to SETTINGS>SAFARI and uncheck BLOCK POPUPS.) 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