The question: How do Christians have a conversation with someone who has been affected by abortion.
The problem: People affected by abortions do not usually feel comfortable talking to Christians or the Church.
The reality: More people have been affected by abortion than you or I realize.
The opportunity: As the Church and as Christians we need to allow people to share their abortion experience without fear of rejection.
The solution: God’s attributes teach us how to respond.
1. God is (1 John 4:19; John 3:16)
- Be willing to have a conversation in love
- Be willing to listen and learn their story
- Donate to Crisis Pregnancy Center or Options 360
- Donate to a Women’s Shelter
2. God is (Matthew 9:36; Luke 7:13)
- Contact local a high school to see how you can help with their Teen Mom program
- If you have an extra room; call Planned Parenthood and ask if there are pregnant women you can house
3. God is (Psalm 145:8-9; Lamentations 3:22-23)
- Remind someone affected by abortion there is a God, and God has mercy and forgiveness
- Pray with them to be freed from shame
- If you’re not the person for them to talk to, find someone who they feel comfortable with
Questions to Consider
- Why do you think it’s so hard to talk about abortions?
- Why do so many people with an abortion story hesitate to talk about it to Christians?
- How would you respond if you discovered your best friend or wife had an abortion early in her life?
- What are some biblical ways Christians can respond to someone who has an abortion story?