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Δ Facebook (opens in new tab) Week of February 7, 2021 We live in a day that is becoming increasingly divided. Our culture loves to “take sides” and unfortunately, Christians sometimes take sides based on which voices are the loudest. When it comes to the issue of our planet and how to care for the world we live in, the Bible should be the loudest voice of all! This Sunday, we will try to ignore the noise from the different sides and the politics that often try to influence us, and we will examine what God says about stewarding this amazing world we live in. X X Watch X X Go to our giving website Note: You will be taken to another browser tab to give online. If on a phone/tablet, simply click the back button to go back to this notes page. X Download Note: You will be taken to another browser tab to view this. If on phone/tablet, simply click the back button to go back to this notes page. You will not lose any notes. Laurelwood Baptist Church This Is My Father’s World Archived – February 7, 2021 View This Week’s Note View All Past Notes View This Note w/o Blanks Main Scripture Reference(s) Psalms 24:1-2 We believe that the Bible is God's Word that helps us face all the opportunities and challenges that come our way. This Is My Father’s World February 7, 2021 / Pastor Kevin Kruse / Psalms 24:1-2 What does the Bible say? God created humans to be stewards of the earth (Genesis 1:26-28; Psalm 8:6-8) God created us different and with different passions; which is a good thing! (Ephesians 2:10; 1 Corinthians 12:18) Fear not: God says this earth is not our final home (2 Peter 3:10; Psalm 46:2-3; Revelation 21:1) What can you do? We are stewards: Do what you can to take care of this planet Ideas: Don’t use straws; eat the food you buy; reduce water waste; buy energy-efficient things (bulbs, appliances, etc.); weatherize your home; and many more ideas When talking to those who have different passions about the environment: Don’t be dismissive; listen and learn When talking to those who are concerned or fearful about the future of the Earth: Offer the hope of Jesus Questions To Consider Have you found yourself listening to the “noise” or the politics surrounding our planet? What are those voices saying? What does the voice of God and God’s word say about our planet? What are some ways that you can be a good steward of our planet? How passionate are you about our planet? How would you respond to someone with a different level of passion? How could you share the hope of Jesus if you ever encounter someone who is anxious or fearful about the environmental state of our planet? What would you say to them? 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