1. The Faithfulness of Joseph (vv.1-23).
A. He was faithful when Displaced (vv.1-6).
B. He was faithful when Tempted (vv.7-12).
- i. He Refuses (vv.7-9).
- ii. He Resists (v.10).
- iii. He Runs (v.11-13).
C. He was faithful when Falsely Accused (vv.13-20).
2. The Faithfulness of God (vv.1-23).
A. God was faithful by giving Joseph his PRESENCE in all his troubles (39:2-3, 21, 23).
B. God was faithful by giving Joseph his FAVOR in all his troubles (39:1-6; 19-23).
C. God was faithful by working out his PLAN in all his troubles (45:5-8; 50:2).
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