The Shoes & the Shield
September 29, 2024Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10-18
1. The – John 14:27, Philippians 4:7
Peace is a person. You cannot have peace apart from a
personal intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
a. We have peace because of the of the .
That’s why I can dig my heels in with the shoes of the gospel of peace so that I will not be moved from my place of peace.
b. We must let the of rule our hearts.
When peace rules, nothing else has a chance to rule.
c. Because of the gospel of peace, we can be of .
Peace can only rule your heart when God rules your heart, and God can’t rule your heart if you are still trying to do it yourself.
2. The
What is faith? Faith is full reliance on God.
Practical Application Activity
We will not cover this specifically in the sermon today, but on your own time, take some paper and write out lies you have believed from the enemy and then follow up with the truth from God’s Word:
Lies The Enemy Tells You:
Ex. You are useless. Nobody loves you. You aren’t good at anything.
Truth from God’s Word:
Ex. I am fearfully & wonderfully made for a purpose by my God that loves me as His own.
“Faith is acting as if God is telling the truth.” – Tony Evans
Pick up the shield of faith and rest behind it. The arrows can’t hit. The lies can’t stick. Truth overcomes the enemy.