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Best Seller: Is the Bible Accurate?

June 9, 2024 / Dr. Clayton Chisum

Is the Bible Accurate?

Best Seller

June 9, 2024

Dr. Clayton Chisum


Can I trust the of the Bible?


2 Timothy 3:16 NLT

2 Peter 1:19-21 NIV


Top Non-Christian Beliefs about the Bible:

  1. The Bible was created as a by church leaders.
  2. Modern translations of the Bible have been .
  3. The Bible other “gospels” that tell a different story about Jesus.
  4. The Bible was written the events happened.
  5. The Bible is full of and .


Romans 15:4 NLT

Matthew 24:35 NLT

2 Timothy 3:15 NLT


If you want to know more (past sermons): 

Asking for a Friend: Is the Bible True?

On the Witness Stand: Evidence of the Light

On the Witness Stand: Love is the Smoking Gun

On the Witness Stand: The Final Evidence from God



Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some basic everyday things in your life that you trust? Why?
  2. If the Bible is God’s way of speaking to us, where do you get your trust in the accuracy of the Bible?
  3. Why do you think people are skeptical of the accuracy of the Bible? Are you? What have you heard?
  4. What historical information from the message stood out to you or helped you trust your Bible’s accuracy?
  5. In Matthew 24:35, Jesus says that God’s Word will never be destroyed or corrupted. How has the last 2,000 years shown this to be true?
  6. How do we take for granted our access to the Bible today? How does the history of the Bible change your view of its value?
  7. Clayton mentioned that this summer we will be going through the different group types of the book of the Bible. Which group are you most interested in learning about? (Law, History, Poetry, Prophecy, Gospels, Letters)

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