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The Dirty Dozen: Matthew the Money Guy

July 4, 2021 / Dr. Clayton Chisum

Matthew the Money-Guy

Series: The Dirty Dozen — Week #7

July 4, 2021

Dr. Clayton Chisum

Matthew 10:2-4 (ESV)

Today we look at the one glaring disciple who was the biggest disappointment for much of his life… Matthew.

In Luke, Jesus told a parable about a pharisee and a tax collector…

Luke 18:10-14 (ESV)

This is just like Matthew’s story… a tax collector who wasn’t permitted to go to the temple, who was despised by his people, who was never allowed to go near anyone.

Yet Jesus, in this parable, was telling the world that for the messed up, the broken- there is still hope.


Principle One

Matthew 9:9 (ESV)

Jesus was trying to teach his original disciples, as well as us, this important truth…

#1. Jesus’ is to the .

Jesus knew Matthew’s occupation and his reputation. He even knew this would cause considerable tension between the disciples. But that wasn’t his focus — rather Jesus’ focus is on what you can become through his restoration.

John 10:10 (ESV)

Psalm 51:9-10 (ESV)

And all of that came true with two words from Jesus- “Follow me.” And the Bible says that immediately he got up and left with Jesus.


Principle Two

What happened next shows the complete restoration of Matthew- and it’s immediate and visible.

Luke 5:29-32 (ESV)

#2. Jesus saves the _________ to reach the _________.

You are saved for a purpose!

2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

How can someone who has so much baggage be effective as a disciple?

Luke 5:29 (ESV)

Luke 5:31-32 (ESV)

Jesus’ mission is to all of us… because we all have baggage.

Jesus went to people where they were and called them to be different … that’s how He got His disciples. That’s how we also make disciples.


#1. Your is for His !

#2. My is my .


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