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The Dirty Dozen: Philip the Pessimist

June 13, 2021 / Dr. Clayton Chisum

Philip the Pessimist

Series: The Dirty Dozen — Week #5

June 13, 2021

Dr. Clayton Chisum

John 1:43–46 (NIV)

#1: Jesus Philip

Philip was hand-picked! He was found by Jesus and called to be a disciple.


John 6:44 (NIV)

No human being in the world, on their own, has the moral and spiritual ability to come to Christ unless God the Father draws him.


John 15:16 (NIV) 

The purpose of Christ’s choosing you is not merely that your sins be forgiven and you have eternal life but also that your life be fruitful and productive in fulfilling God’s purposes.


This morning… you’re in one of two camps:

  1. Jesus has chosen you and you’ve said YES to him
  2. Jesus has chosen you but you’ve said NO to him


1 Timothy 2:3–4 (NLT)

Philip said YES to Jesus. But while being a disciple of Jesus, Philip still had his ups and downs.


John 6:5–7 (NIV)

#2: Philip on the what-ifs

Even after becoming a disciple — sometimes Philip had a weak faith. In this story Jesus asks Philip a question to test him: “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?”

  • Philip had been there when Jesus turned water into wine when there was no more wine. He had seen Jesus heal someone when there was no cure. But when he saw this huge crowd, he failed to see that Jesus could provide when there was no food.
  • Instead of focusing on Jesus (and what he can do), Philip was focused on the what-ifs.


What about you? Are you focused on the what-ifs in your walk with God?



Why did Jesus choose Philip?

Because he was exactly the person Jesus was looking for!


2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

The Lord people like Philip all the time – lots of them.

The Lord people like Philip all the time – lots of them.

And He can use you, too.




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