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Our Imperfect Family: Raising Godly Kids

May 2, 2021 / Dr. Clayton Chisum

Your One Shot — Raising Godly Kids

Series: Our Imperfect Family — Week #4

May 2, 2021

Dr. Clayton Chisum

We all have ONE SHOT to raise Godly kids.


Deuteronomy 6:4–7 (ESV)

If you really want your kids to , you have to !


6And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.

You can’t lead a any further than you are willing to go .


7You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Some things are and some things are .


Parents, are you ?

If your kid turned out to be the same kind of Christian that you are, would you be proud? Would they be a strong Christian?

  • Would they be on fire for Jesus and passionate about him?
  • Would they be living a life that is pleasing to God?
  • What needs to change in your life to help lead your kids by example?
  • If you have hope for your kid’s future… It has to start with you.



Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

“Train up” means to develop a person’s behavior by instruction and practice


: to build in their children a lasting motivation and thirst for living God’s way.

Job 5:7 (NIV)

Psalm 51:5 (NIV)

The Bible says our sinful nature is passed on to our children. A wise parent will see their children’s differences and raise their child in unique ways depending on how they are bent.

Proverbs 17:25 (ESV)

Proverbs 22:15 (ESV)

This type of discipline is referring to correction and consequences; the same way God disciplines us.

Hebrews 12:10–11 (ESV)



Ask your child the following questions to help them set some Godly goals:

  • How old will you be in 10 years, and what do you want your life to look like then?
  • To help you reach your 10 year goals, what are some 3 year goals to work toward?
  • What are some good one-year goals to help you begin to accomplish your big life goals?
  • What are some habits you can change/fix or habits you can start and work on for the next 90 days that can kickstart your path to reaching your God-sized goals?


Once again, ask yourself this question:

If my kid turned out to be the same kind of Christian as me, would I be proud? Am I setting the right kind of example?

Let’s make the most of our time… and choose to parent our kids with intentionality God’s way.


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