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Searching in the Wrong Places

April 4, 2021 / Pastor Clayton Chisum

Searching in the Wrong Places

Series: Easter 2021

April 4, 2021

Dr. Clayton Chisum

Happy Easter! Today we remember and celebrate that Jesus rose from the grave. This event changes everything!

Luke 24:1–6 (ESV)

#1. He is . He is !

These words spoken by the angel have shattered, transformed, and altered history.

First, the angels made a big announcement when Jesus was born.

Luke 2:10 (ESV)

Then the angels come back with the greatest news ever — He is not here! He is Risen! This statement is life-changing because these women found themselves utterly disappointed. Their hope (Jesus) had died. But hearing that Jesus is alive changed everything.

#2. Am I searching in the ?

Luke 24:5 (ESV)

They were looking for hope but in the wrong place.

Acts 17:27 (ESV)

Today, nothing has changed. We search for meaning, love, and hope in all the wrong places.

Matthew 7:8 (ESV)

Jesus is the answer to our searching.

#3. Remember the news

Luke 24:6-8 (ESV)

The women were surprised because they forgot Jesus’ words. We need to learn from their mistake and remember the gospel — not just good news, but the best news.

Jesus loves you…

John 3:16 (ESV)

And he will never leave you…

Matthew 28:20 (ESV)

Look at what the disciples forgot:

Luke 9:22 (ESV)

Luke 18:31–34 (ESV)

They had forgotten the gospel, and their forgetting took them to the wrong place. We know this is true because they brought spices and were ready to take care of a dead body.

One of the greatest tragedies in the Christian life is when we forget the gospel.

The good news becomes old news,

the best news becomes fake news,

and the sacrifice of Jesus becomes a side-note in our lives.

your relationship with Jesus by remembering the gospel.

Jesus — the answer to your searching — by saying “Yes” to him.

Join us next week for our new sermon series:

Our Imperfect Family… Every family has issues, but God can help!



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