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The “We” of Discipleship

March 28, 2021 / Dr. Clayton Chisum

The We of Discipleship #4

Series: ME to WE: Disciples Making Disciples

March 28, 2021

Dr. Clayton Chisum

The “We” of Discipleship: 2 Timothy

Proverbs 4:25–26 (ESV)

Today we need to “ponder” and think deeply about the ministries of Central. One of the best places to go for help is the 2nd book of Timothy.

The final command Paul gives to Timothy is…

#1. The church must

2 Timothy 4:2–4 (ESV)

If discipleship is like golf, then preaching is the driver.

Preaching covers a lot of ground to a lot of people, but it’s not discipleship.

“Preaching to make disciples is like going into the nursery and spraying the babies with milk and saying you just fed the kids. They will get some nourishment, but not enough to grow.” ~Avery Willis

The second command Paul gives to Timothy is…

#2. The church must .

2 Timothy 2:22–26 (ESV)

This passage is all about knowing the truth and carrying out that knowledge in your life.

Where do we do this?  In small groups.

If discipleship is like golf, then small groups are the irons.

Your small group will help you to really make an impact and get you so close to being all in (a true disciple).

But irons only get you on the green, not all the way to the prize.

The first (and most important) command Paul gives to Timothy is…

#3. The church must who.

2 Timothy 2:2 (ESV)

One of the biggest weaknesses in the church today seems to be the absence of 2 Timothy 2:2 in ministry.

If discipleship is like golf, then making disciples is the putter.

The putter is the #1 club in your bag. It’s used most often and makes the biggest impact.

Discipleship Definition:

Intentionally equipping believers with the Word of God through accountable relationships empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to replicate faithful followers of Christ.

Here’s a serious question: Are you making disciples? Are we as a church?

If we’re honest, then the answer is most likely, “No.”


We’re going to change the !

The way we evaluate and gauge effective ministry needs to line up with what Jesus cared about the most.

We’re going to invest in !

Two ways:

#1 Leadership D-Groups

#2 Starting now, I can be a disciple maker

  • Find an accountability partner or two
  • Meet weekly, get in the Word, create accountability, pray, share the gospel

”If something costs nothing, it will mean nothing, and will do nothing.”

Real disciple-making is not easy, but you will never be the same!


Discipleship Resources:

Foundations: New Testament 260-day Reading Plan (YouVersion plan or pdf)


Starting a H.E.A.R. Journal




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