The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

April 19, 2022

The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Matthew 27-18

I. Final Events at the Cross:

  • There are seven last words from the cross.
  • Each writer focuses on different elements of the cross.

1. The mystery of (Mark 15:21)

What happened to him is hinted at in Romans 16:13.

2. They crucify him at Golgotha. (v.33)

3. He refused the wine. (v.34) Deaden senses.

4. Divided garments. (v.35: Psalm 22:18)

5. Two robbers.

6. Mocking cites his statement he would rebuild temple 3 days.(John 2:19)

7. Promise from chief priests: Come down, we believe.

8. Darkness for three hours. (v.45)

9. Jesus cry. (v.46)

10. Give him sour wine. Speak last words.

11; Some wait for Elijah! (v.49)

II. Matthew, The miracles.

1. 27:45-50 (Judgment)

3x Bible describes sun dark:

–Judgment Egypt.

–Rev.9 Judgment wicked.

–Cross Judgment on sin.

2. 27:50 (Earthquakes in the Bible usually represent God’s presence)


3. 27:51 , Acts 6:7




III. Tells us something about God:


1. Saints at the tombs: We have a God.

2. Earthquake: We have a God.

3. Rent Curtain: We have a God. Reached down when we could not reach up.


4. Darkness: We have a . Who took our sins on himself?

III. Burial:

  • Joseph Arimathea: John 19:38, Mark 15:43. Robert L. Thomas: “The disciples who had openly followed Jesus during His lifetime ran away at the end, but the two who had kept their faith secret while He was alive . . . came forward publicly to give Him an appropriate burial.”
  • Rich mans tomb: Fulfills Isa. 23:51.
  • Jews did not embalm (Egyptian.) Cloths and perfume.
  • Family members were not given the body back.
  • The Pharisees upset Pilate allowed body buried.

IV. The Empty Tomb, Interesting Features:

  • Jesus was raised on a Jewish feast First Fruits
  • The Resurrection is a prophetic surprise:
  • Worship is the only appropriate response to a risen savior.


Study Questions:

Read Matthew 28:7-10:

1. The Angel told the women to go “quickly” and tell the disciples. Why was it important they go in haste? What was so urgent?

2. What emotions did the women have in v.8-10? Why did Jesus tell them to be afraid?

3. The resurrection of Jesus is the most important fact of the Christian faith. Why? How

does the resurrection of Jesus give us hope for today and for all eternity?

Why did Jesus tell the women not to be afraid?

4. Jesus called the disciples “my brothers.” That’s a very unique term for them. Jesus called them disciples, and friends. Why do you think Jesus called them “brothers?”

5. Why did Jesus send the women to tell the disciples they had seen Jesus? He could have just appeared to them instantly.

6. What was the response of the guards? Why did they respond different than the women”?

7. Why is it important that women came to the tomb?

Read Matthew 28:11-15

1. The lie that was spread was that the disciples stole the body. What are some problems with that lie?

2. The guards were Roman. Why did they go first to the Chief Priests?

3. Who were some people the Jewish leaders paid off to bring harm to Jesus or his reputation?

Read Matthew 28:16-20

1. Matthew 28:16-20 is one the most important verses to missions in the Bible because Jesus tells us what he wants us to do until he returns. What are some of the commands he gives? How do we carry that out personally? How do we carry that out as a church?

2. What does Jesus mean “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given” to him? Who gave it? Didn’t he already have all authority?

3. V.17 says that when the disciples saw Jesus, “some doubted.” How can doubt be helpful to our faith? When does doubt become sinful? Have you ever gone through a season of doubt? What are some things that pulled you through? What are some things you discovered?

4. V.20: Jesus said that we are to teach people to obey all that he commanded. What is the scope of that? Is it all the Bible, or the Gospels alone?

5. How can Jesus always be with us? He rose again physically and went into heaven with his body.


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