The Gospel According to Mark (Part 40)

November 12, 2023

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The Gospel According to Mark

(Part 40)

Good morning and welcome to Jesus Church

This morning we hit the BIG 4-0 on our series through the life of Jesus

  • After service we would love for you to stick around and eat with us
    • Our judges have already tasted all the entries
    • And if you want to try multiple chili’s… we have tester bowls
    • And if you just know exactly what you want… normal bowls too
  • Gonna dive straight in b/c we have a ton of ground to cover
    • Again Jesus is now in the last 4 days of his life
    • Jerusalem and the temple are packed with people
    • All celebrating freedom from slavery in the story of the Exodus
  • Ironically the ultimate liberator is among them
    • Yet in only 72 hours the crowds will be calling for his death
    • And not even because all of them are convinced he is evil
    • But (hear me on this) the devil thrives in a crowd mentality
      • We see it all the time in our world today
      • EXAMPLE – WTO Riots

Mark 12:35-44

While Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, he asked, “Why do the teachers of the law say that the Messiah is the son of David? David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit (Gifts of the Holy Spirit used in the OT) declared: “The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.” David himself calls him “Lord”. How then can he be his son? The large crowd listened to him with delight.

As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth, but she out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.”


Story – Ever heard the term “well that was random”

When I was 18 I worked at a church up in Olympia – Internship program

  • One of the pastors up there: Most friendly guy you’ll ever meet
    • Really close… Way he preached made me wanna be a pastor
    • First met him when I was in 8th grade on a missions trip
    • Crazy testimony… was a con man for years
      • God changed his life in prison
      • Got out and had 5 sons – All in ministry today
  • He was someone I wanted to learn from
    • One day he told all us interns if they wanted to learn from him
    • Meet him Sunday mornings at 5am to pray before church
    • Out of 30 of us… I was the only one who showed up
      • Meant I could have some great conversations/mentorship
  • The hard part was… as soon as service started… tons of people
    • It was absolutely impossible to have a conversation with him
    • You could be in the middle of a sentence (heck he could be…)
    • He would see someone he needed to say hi to… and he’s gone

Only thing you could think is… well that was random

  • Like if you’re driving with someone in the car… middle of convo
    • And you see a new building going up
    • Or maybe this crazy looking cloud
  • In middle of a riveting convo you have to say “Look at the cloud!”
    • Totally disconnected from what you were talking about
    • Breaks the entire train of thought
    • Absolutely ridiculous

Reading this set of 3 stories… Sorta wanna say: Well that was random

  • Mark writes this section of scripture all very tightely tied together
    • First: Jesus teaches from a obscure poem in the Old Testament
    • Next: He gives this critique on men in flowing robes
    • Last: He points out offering of a dirt poor widow
  • How in the world do these stories connect…
    • Well they absolutely do… But to get there we gotta learn “WHY”
    • And thru the “WHY” we’ll see something in these stories
    • We probably didn’t see b4… b/c now we see the connection

Remember all Ch. 12 is a barrage of questions at Jesus

Jesus is at the temple… seen as the meeting point b/w Heaven & Earth

  • And w/ every question Jesus answers… looks more & more brilliant
    • Its like when the underdog starts winning to boxing match
    • Jesus doesn’t have clothes… etiquette… status of these leaders
    • But he’s destroying them and doing it with the law
      • He’s beating them with their own stick

Mk 12:34 (In fact at the end of last weeks scripture it says…)

“… And from then on no one dared ask him any more questions.”

  • So now in this story its Jesus turn to ask the questions
    • And he starts with something that sounds like a riddle

Why do teachers of the law say that the Messiah is the Son of David?

  • Son of David was a term taught to all Jews to refer to the Messiah
    • B/C prophecy said the Messiah would be a descendent of David
    • Its crystal clear in the OT that this would happen (one example)

2 Sam. 7:12-13

When your days are over and you rest with your fathers (God speaking to David) I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, who will come from your own body, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

  • And that’s great – Jesus was a descendent of David…
    • But why does Jesus ask about Messiah/Son of David

Mk 12:36 (Keep reading)

David himself speaking by the Holy Spirit declared: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.

  • This quote from Psalm 110… Most quoted OT scripture in all the NT
    • Which means the NT writers kept coming back to this Psalm
    • Why – To make sense of the Messiah

Ps. 110:1-7 (read it all b/c Jesus and listeners would know it by heart)

The Lord says to my lord…

  • Now that already sounds confusing… that’s b/c in English it is
    • LORD (all caps) is actually YAHWEH… changed not to break law
    • Lord is the word Adonai… which in context is the Messiah
    • So u can it read: God said to the Messiah (what poem is about)

… Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet. The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion (Jerusalem) saying, Rule in the midst of your enemies! Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come to you like dew from the morning’s womb. The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek…

  • Now that’s super powerful because no King had ever been a priest
    • This is saying the Messiah would be both

… the LORD is at your right hand, he will crush kings on the day of his wrath. He will judge the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth. He will drink from a brook along the way, and so he will lift his head high.

  • Couple things to note… In what seems to be a pretty violent picture
    • Messiah doesn’t commit violence at all – God does the fighting
    • And then the Messiah becomes the king of the world
  • Also Ps 110 was always recited as a new king was crowned in Israel
    • And then when Israel was conquered… no more king
    • It was then quoted as a prophecy for future day of the Messiah

Ok… back to Mark – Jesus goes on after the quote

Mk 12:37a

David himself calls him lord, how then can he be his son…

  • So here’s the riddle… how can a son be greater than his father
    • Jesus lived in an Honor/Shame society
    • There would never be a circumstance a dad would call son Lord
    • This would bring shame on their entire family
  • But Jesus is saying that David… the GREATEST KING… most honored
    • He is found calling his great x10 grandson his Lord
    • And Jesus is hinting at what we’ve known from beginning
      • That Yes Jesus is Israel’s Messiah (but more than that)
      • Jesus is also the embodiment of Israel’s God
      • He is the son of David… and the son of God himself
  • And I love the crowds response… b/c they are fascinated with him
    • Its says: The large crowed listened to him with delight
    • Which is how he can get away with what he says next

Mk 12:38-39

As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law…

  • Remember last week – who was he just talking to… Teacher of law
    • And it seems like it ended really well
    • But now Jesus is going after this guys entire profession
    • And remember: He’s at the temple… teachers are everywhere
      • This is what Jesus thinks about these teachers

…They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues.

  • So robes would have represented: Spirituality & Wealth
    • And when they walked through people had to recognize them
    • You were expected to view them as better than yourself
    • They were always given best seat… best treatment… best food
  • Then Jesus drops the funny jokes (I imagine the crowd laughing)
    • And he’s really gonna call them out
    • And I bet you could hear a pin drop

Mk 12:40

They devour widows houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. These men will be punished most severely.

  • Now what in the world does it mean to devour a widows house
    • That was a saying for those who rip off the vulnerable
    • Remember from last week… these are lawyers
    • And although there are good lawyers – Also really bad ones
  • And a lawyer that also had religious authority over you as well??
    • They would interpret the law (which is basically making laws)
    • To take money from the weak
    • Because there was no one who could say anything
  • And he points out that they for a show (fame) pray really long

So there’s only 1 command in the passage: Beware!!!

Jesus is saying there are people you should watch out for

  • Ever heard the saying: Bad company corrupts good character
    • True – But to Jesus bad company isn’t your corner druggy
    • No it’s the religious, fame seeking hypocrites at the temple
  • And they will be PUNISHED MOST SEVERELY…
    • Not just left out in the cold or not successful in what they do
    • No… they will face JUDGEMENT
      • Interesting we focus a ton on non-believers judgment
      • Almost all NT warnings of judgment for those in the church

And that isn’t saying believers need to worry about going to hell

  • Notice Jesus says nothing of hell… at least in dante’s inferno sense
    • But he say a TON about being giving an account for what you do
    • And he says a ton about judgement
  • Point: Jesus spent lots of time warning those everyone said was in
    • And blessing a ton of people who everyone said was out

TAG: And its easy to say… well these guys were awful – different now

Well lets just look at it through todays lens (Jesus points out 6 things)

  • 1: They like to walk around in flowing robes
    • So there’s an unhealthy obsession with fashion/clothing
    • Giving a certain impression by what you wear or carry
  • 2: And had to be greeted in the marketplaces
    • Which is an obsession with fame and celebrity status
    • You want people not so much to know you… but about you
  • 3: Given the most important seats at the synagogues
    • Which means wanting a lifestyle of power and prestige
    • Entitlement has no place in church
    • Anyone who wants to sit where I sit on a Sunday… it’s all yours
      • In fact I’d love more people to sit up front actually
  • 4: They expect a place of honor at banquets
    • So there’s a sense of pride and superiority…
    • I deserve preferential treatment
  • 5: They devour widows houses
    • Willing to take advantage of the poor for their own gain
    • Or using others to gain a foothold to a better position
  • 6: And for a show they make lengthy prayers
    • So there is a glossy superficial spirituality
    • Putting on a show with prayers more about them than to God

TAG: We’ve all seen this – And some of it… well we can see in ourselves

But don’t worry it gets worse

B/C next Jesus starts people watching next to where people give money

  • He’s literally watching people drop their tithe checks in the offering
    • There were 13 shofar shaped chests and Jesus is like (Stare)
    • Talk about awkward… although I’m sure giving went up that day
    • And it even says many rich people threw in large amounts

Mk 12:42-44 (But then this happens)

A poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth, but she out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.

Might be asking… are we really talking about giving money

  • No I’m not… Mark is and we happen to hit those verses this week
    • So yes obviously this story is about giving to the temple
    • But its more a story on growing in your trust in God’s provision
  • Jesus takes notice b/c of what he says she gave thru “Sacrifice”
    • That she gives out of her poverty… not out of her wealth
    • It wasn’t about what she could keep – But what she could give
  • And this is the kind of life God is calling us to
    • Total trust and surrender of control to Him
    • And the tithe is honestly a great way to practice that
    • Its definitely not the only way God teaches trust in Him
      • BUT It is absolutely a practical way to learn to trust

What’s tithing: its an ancient art form – Goes all the way back 2 Abraham

  • Its says originally it was done as worship – Done for 1000’s of years
    • And tithe is simple… it just means a TENTH
    • Where you give 10% of your income
    • Historically it was done at the temple… now done in the church
  • Even if its not command in the NT… artform many of us practice
    • And Jesus sees what you are willing to give to him
    • Absolutely not about how much/little (story is perfect example)
      • But what Jesus highlights is sacrificial giving
      • What can he trust you with
      • More important… what will you trust him with

Now to step back – we just read 3 stories…

At first glance it doesn’t seem like they connect – But walk thru it again

  • Jesus is first saying… you are off on the way you think about me
    • Yes I am the Son of David
    • But I am also the Son of God
  • And b/c your off … also off on what you think it means to follow me
    • There is this compare – contrast between teachers & widow
      • Religious leaders were seen as the pinnacle of Jewish life
      • Widow was the icon for tragedy and helplessness
    • But to Jesus it’s the other way around…
      • Jesus warns his disciples about who – Religious leaders
      • Jesus says to be like who – the poor helpless widow
    • Jesus is saying THIS widow is what it looks like to follow me
      • The iconic symbol for helplessness and reliance
      • Is beautiful… healthy… freeing…
  • Jesus isn’t looking for people who are cool or have it all figured out
    • Honestly I don’t think he cares…
    • He’s just looking for people who will give him all they have

Which is what Jesus himself is about to do… give all he has (HIS LIFE)

  • And he is calling us to do the same
    • Some of Jesus teachings end with answers
    • This teaching leaves us with questions

Q 1: Is Jesus your Messiah… or is he your God (Meaning)

    • Do you just want a savior in your life
    • Or are you willing to allow him to be your LORD

Q 2: How much do I look like the people Jesus says to BEWARE of

    • Because there’s a long list there
    • And there are definitely some things I need to re-evaluate

Q 3: How do I become more like the widow

    • And what are my two pennies
    • What do u have to give (Money/vocation/gifting/time/studies)
    • And what do you have to give up

Mark says “She gave up all she had to live on”

  • Word is Bios – Biology
    • Can be translated: She put in her entire life
    • So the invitation from Jesus… GIVE UP CONTROL
      • Even if to you that only means 2 pennies & it seems silly
      • Give it to God and TRUST HIM


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