Target: We don’t have to worry about the virgin birth because
the story is prophesied in the OT and provided in the NT.
I. The that must be examined.
Messianic prophecies are fascinating things:
Micah 5:2 He would be born in Bethlehem
Malachi 3:1 He would come while the temple was standing
Isaiah 35 He would perform miracles
Psalm 78 He would speak in parables
Isaiah 40 A man in the wilderness would announce Him
II. The that must be embraced
- If Christ was not virgin born: The Messianic prophecies of the OT are not true The birth narratives of the NT are not true
Mary asked Gabriel “how can this be since I do not know a
man?” Answer: “With God all things are possible.”
III. The that must be experienced.
Take Away: Indeed, Jesus had to be born, to come and be
WITH US so that He could dies FOR us.
Merry Christmas Y’all!